Two Young Men Stuck in DFW Airport Make one Very Entertaining Video

STUCK from Joe Ayala on Vimeo.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, Humor / Trivia, Travel, Young Adults

3 comments on “Two Young Men Stuck in DFW Airport Make one Very Entertaining Video

  1. Terry Tee says:

    Yes, it made me smile, and anybody stuck at an airport can empathise with the frustration and desire for distraction. But still I found myself wondering: where in heck was security? (and also I reflected on, alas, the long-vanished athleticism of youth due to thickening waistline, stiffening joints etc etc)

  2. Teatime2 says:

    DFW really is eerily empty late at night. I’ve flown in late in the past and the quietness and sense of isolation feels weird. No one about but the occasional cleaners. I’m surprised that the bar/restaurant’s doors were open!

    Terry, once you get into that area/building (arrivals), you’ve been screened more than you’ve wanted to be, lol. Undoubtedly, there was security watching monitors from afar but these guys weren’t doing any damage so no one would have been sent. Glad they found ways to beat their boredom, lol.

  3. Tired of Hypocrisy says:

    Good clean fun.